Wincar license to Uppsala

Uppsala Biluthyring AB starts these days as a franchisee in the Rent-A-Wreck chain.

Rent-A-Wreck Uppsala has signed a license agreement with Intershare for the delivery of the car rental system Wincar right from the start. With Wincar as the rental system and almost 190,000 inhabitants in Uppsala, there should be the best conditions for the success of the Rent-A-Wreck concept in Uppsala. Intershare wishes you the best of luck with your venture.

Visiting address
Kjøita 25, 3. etg.
4630 Kristiansand

Contact information
Telefon: (+47) 380 90 000

Postal address
Kjøita 25,
4630 Kristiansand,

The Register of Business Enterprises
NO 926 724 991 MVA